How can I add my own logo / artwork to your design studio?

1 min. readlast update: 11.21.2019

We can proudly say we have one of the easiest to use design studios in the industry!

Click Upload Artwork at the bottom of the screen.


Then fill out the form on the left or drag and drop your artwork to our design studio.


Select if it's Logo/Arwork or a Photo


For a Logo/Artwork

Choose if it's single color or multiple colors. If it's single color, you can flatten it (get rid of the gradients) or you can invert the image. You can Choose Ink Color to change the color of your artwork. If it's multiple colors, you can remove the most common color to remove an unneccary background (white or black). Don't worry we review all artwork and make sure everything is perfect in regards to quality, spelling, removing unnecessary backgrounds, etc.


Once it's uploaded to the design studio, you can then change the color count, the primary color, switch to negative (invert) or make image solid (flatten). You can then rotate and increase size by selecting the image on the design studio with your mouse.


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